Transistor kills the radio star?

Um novo sistema de audiências para 2007

"a Radio Joint Research Limited(Rajar) está a trabalhar na nova geração de inquéritos para medição de audiências de rádio, prevendo que o novo inquérito esteja pronto aplicar em 2007"

"The RAJAR Board has approved recommendations for the new contract specification and is to issue an Invitation to Tender within the week. RAJAR expects tenders to be submitted by the end of this year, with the new contract being awarded in the early part of 2006, and due to start in 2007.
The new contract specification, developed in conjunction with the RAJAR Specification Working Group, includes a broad brief, which seeks to embrace the changing face of radio and reflect any new possibilities that may arise from the current national audiometer fieldwork test programme. There is also scope for any innovations that may come from the contractors themselves to be included. Tenders are invited for a wide range of methodologies, from full audiometer, or a diary plus audiometer panel to a number of hybrid solutions, and, unlike previous contracts, companies will be able to pitch for the entire contract or specific parts."

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