Transistor kills the radio star?

A rádio não está preparada para ser substituída por uma maquina

«After a brief introduction from Les Moonves, CBS Corp.’s (NYSE: CBS) president and CEO, CBS Radio executives took the stage attempting to convince advertisers that radio is not dead. Dan Mason, CBS Radio’s president and CEO, claimed that “$1 billion in ad dollars were spent telling you that the iPod and satellite radio will lead to the death of radio. That’s a myth. Like when you were told the eight-track tapes, cassettes and the CD would sign radio’s death warrant. To say that an iPod or satellite radio, with little or no human connection will ever replace radio is absurd.”» fonte; KAPLAN, David, @ CBS Radio Presentation: New Play.It Media Player Offers Personalization, Contextual Ads, 05 May 2008 

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