Transistor kills the radio star?

As pessoas acumulam a música; a tecnologia potencia isso

«We must not forget that music remains a very unique commodity; to take on meaning, it requires an incompressible lapse of time, that of its own duration. Thus the gramophone, conceived as a recorder to stockpile time, became instead its principle user. Conceived as a word preserver, it became a sound diffuser. The major contradiction of repetition is evident here: people must devote their time to producing the means to buy recordings of other peoples time, losing in the process not only the use of their time, but also the time required to use other peoples time. Stockpiling thus becomes a substitute, not a preliminary condition, for use. People buy more records than they can listen to. They stockpile what they want to find the time to hear. Use-time and exchange-time destroy one another. ([Jacques] Attali, 1985: 101; emphasis in original) (in STERNE, 2006: 830)

Coleccionar e a relação íntima: via walter benjamin «For a collector,wrote Walter Benjamin, ownership is the most intimate relationship that one can have to objects (1968[1936]: 67). That one can collect mp3s suggests that they appear to users as cultural objects, even if they are not, in any conventional sense, physical objects that can be held in a persons hand» (sterne, 2006: 831)

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