Transistor kills the radio star?

«A página online será a actividade central» (e não uma extensão)

«The radio Web site should be used to enhance the station’s image and make a further bond with the core audience. Much as Lind and Medoff (1999) suggested, the visual information that accompanies the audio signal at a station’s Web site is an important factor for drawing and retaining potential audience members. Moreover, a station’s Web site design may even be used to build new relationships with listeners. As one subject offered in commenting on this question,"The station’s Web site is not going to be just an enhancement, it will become the core of the station." (...) Other panelists suggested that an Internet presence offers much more than just serving as an extension of the station; rather, the Web site offers the potential to develop entirely new services and branding opportunities and, in the process, entirely new audiences» (Evans/Smethers, 2001: 14)

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