Transistor kills the radio star?

'Demasiado esforço' - manter-se consumidor passivo (recusar o controlo)

«Listeners of web radio who participated in the focus group interviews also emphasised that on-demand music services provide a degree of individual control and may become an important characteristic of future Internet-based radio prograrnming. In contrast, the focus group members did not make use of this feature themselves. (...) One of the focus group interviewees expressed this position as follows: ’You just do not always feel like chocsing between alternatives or formulating your own preferences. That’s too much of an effort.’(...) there was limited interest in becoming an active user of the interactive tools made available.   (van Selm et al: 2006: 272-273) [Interviews were held in 1999 with five website radio staff: four programme hosts and one web master. The online survey was held amongst visitors to the website and was completed by forty-one respondents. Focus group interviews were held survey respondents who indicated they were regular participants of the BuZz chat box. Two  focus group interviews were held, each with four persons» (271)],

[EST ESTUDO, ENTREVISTANDO GENTE QUE TRABALHA NA RÁDIO E UTILIZADORES/OUVINTES, MOSTRA UMA GRANDE DIFERENÇA ENTRE AMBOS 273-274: «The above statements suggest a discrepancy between radio programme hosts and ’chatters’ regarding the value assigned to interactions during the web shows. The focus group members expressed a degree of disappointment with the way in which the hosts incorporated the chat box into the web-based radio programme.» 274«This lack of enthusiasm for the contribution of chat box by programme hosts did not go unnoticed by listeners» 275) «In summary, interactive media can facilitate two-way communication. It remains uncertain, however, whether radio programme hosts are adequately aware of the implications of programme hosts are adequately aware of the implications of this for their work. Their status as radio ’stars’ is, in a sense, duced to that of facilitator or moderator of a website where lies are discussed and music played. » (van Selm, 275)

«Traditional gratifications associated with listening to radio programming, such as being entertained and informed (see, for example Lind, Medoff and Rarick, 2001), suggest that listeners of web radio programming would be reluctant to seek to exercise control over the content of web radio shows. In this case study it appears that listeners appreciate being entertained by a mixture of web radio items and music selected by the programme hosts» (van Selm et al 279) 

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