Transistor kills the radio star?

conselhos para um regresso dos jovens à rádio musical

segundo Jerry Del Colliano (COLLIANO, Jerry del, Gen Y Consults Radio Inside Music Media, 14/04/08):

«(...) When I arrived at USC four years ago for my radio sabbatical, I was shocked to find young people so distanced from radio. It didn’t take me long to find out why. Other alternatives. More time on the computer, cell phones, social networks like Facebook, but the worst cut of all was the one that could have been prevented. (...) So, here’s what I observed as their advice to radio:
1. Too much repetition, not enough new music.

2. Feature knowledgeable djs.

3. Fewer commercials.

4. Make better commercials.

5. Forget HD.

6. Personalities are the appeal.

7. Make content for their portable devices.

8. They want to be your program director.


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