Transistor kills the radio star?

O que será a rádio do futuro (nas mãos da Apple?)

«Del Colliano believes only Apple could produce the next radio -- something providing the serendipity of radio delivered through an infrastructure that already enjoys mass acceptance»

Porquê? «In fact, Apple now controls the destiny of music because its products dominate the infrastructure. There are iPods everywhere. Apple has defined cool. Apple has used great precision in understanding how Gen Y thinks and what it wants. (...) The next generation's passion is personal mobile MP3 devices and, again, Apple controls this. Young people tell me that it isn't the iPod itself that has killed the record labels -- it is the ease of use of iTunes and the connectivity. That combination is the winner. (...) Right now (in spite of their declining stock price) Apple knows the next generation better than anyone else. They have proven it. It is likely they will for the time being at least continue to serve as facilitator of music and even radio's future.»

«And at the end of the term, it is possible that the consumers who bought these new fully-loaded iPods and iPhones would get to keep a set number of songs permanently. That number has not been determined but it would likely be more songs than the difference paid for unlimited music and what the same songs would have cost purchased separately on the iTunes store.

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