Transistor kills the radio star?

Os jovens são aqueles que mexem nos conteúdos

«The Pew study also captured demographics for active video-sharing site users. As might be expected, they skewed younger.

Demographic Profile of US Adult Internet Users Who Actively* Visited Video-Sharing Web Sites, December 2006 & December 2007 (% of respondents in each group)

"The fact that younger Internet users are far more likely to be regular visitors to video-sharing sites points to a fork in the road,” said David Hallerman, senior analyst at eMarketer.  "On the one hand, marketers looking to target the under-30 demographic can more reliably find them on these video sites. "On the other hand, the door is open for big content providers—mainly the TV networks, both broadcast and cable—to bulk up their online offerings, both in quantity and quality," Hallerman said. He also said that such counter programming could help attract the over-30 audience, which is accustomed to traditional TV content. Such content could draw ad dollars from marketers who want online-video ad inventory that is consistently appropriate for marketing, as opposed to a lot of user-generated content found on video-sharing sites. »

fonte: «Young Adults Hit Online Video Sites», eMarketeer, JANUARY 15, 2008

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