Transistor kills the radio star?

Por que é que as pessoas não querem pagar pela rádio

«According to data released by Digital Music News and media tracking firm BigChampagne, one-third of all PCs worldwide have LimeWire installed. For those who are among the other two-thirds, LimeWire is the top P2P file sharing software - the iTunes of "stealing" music so to speak. Usage comes in at exactly 36.4% of all PCs according to the survey, and of course its the target of a multi-year RIAA lawsuit (no doubt a side effect of its popularity). So if people aren't willing to pay for music (afterall, music will be free eventually), it's no surprise that many aren't willing to pay for radio either. For most, "radio" goes hand-in-hand with "music," even if it is far more than a simple playlist. The challenge is to convey that.» (fonte: ORBICAST, «One reason why people aren't willing to pay for radio», 23/12/07)


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