Transistor kills the radio star?

Os jovens e os conteúdos gerados por outros

«The Demand for User-Generated Content: Content may be king, but industry-created content has got stiff competition. User-generated content is in tremdendous demand across the generations, with half of all consumers (51%) watching and/or reading content created by others. And, while Millennials are at the forefront of this trend, Xers, Boomers and Matures are also participating.• 51% of all consumers are watching/reading personal content created by others; the number jumps to 71% for Millennials.• 55% of Millennials and 42% of Xers read blogs, while 62% of Millennials and 41% of Xers watch YouTube or other video streaming sites.• 40% of all consumers are creating their own entertainment, such as editing movies, music and photos. Millennials may be the majority of the creators at 56%, but Matures are also participating – 25% of them report creating their own entertainment.»

fonte: «Are You Readyfor the Future of Media? Highlight’s from Deloitte’s 2007 State of the Media Democracy Survey» 25/06/2007


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