Transistor kills the radio star?


«It’s disconcerting to see that a majority of time spent listening to recorded music is to mediums other than radio.  Yet, the bottom has not fallen out. 73% of respondents say a majority of their music listening time is spent listening to music on sources other than radio (CDs, MP3s, iPods, streaming, satellite radio, etc).  Graph 1 The next finding is a bit surprising to me having moderated Paragon Media Strategies focus groups for last year’s NAB.  A very respectable 41% of the time 14 to 24 year olds spend listening to recorded music is to radio. Graph 2 The key concern is that we may be nurturing a generation who find radio nearly irrelevant.  Listening to music on sources other than radio is pronounced among younger and male respondents. Graph 3 For now, radio retains its position as the medium of convenience.  Yet radio needs to be sure to offer formats that resonate with younger listeners; no mean feat as owners pursue the 25-54 “money demo.”  It also needs to capitalize on its unique selling propositions: exposing new music, variety (between and within formats), and providing a human bond.  There needs to be a discernable human intelligence behind what’s being presented to younger listeners; not jukebox programmed by rote.» fonte: «The Floor Is Still There», Paragon Media Strategies, 1/11/07

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