Transistor kills the radio star?

O WiMax é tanto uma oportunidade como uma ameaça

«The rollout of platform-neutral wide area broadband wireless networks, such as Sprint Nextel's Wimax-based Xohm, will provide both challenges and opportunities for terrestrial radio, says a recent report from radio audio research firm Bridge Ratings. In a Sept. 12 report entitled The Impact of Wireless Internet, Bridge projects robust growth in wide-area wireless broadband connectivity, with nearly 100 million subscribers by the end of 2010. Coinciding with that gain is a projected Internet radio listener base of about 77 million. Based on the projection above, Bridge analysts predict both terrestrial and satellite radio Time Spent Listening (TSL) will slide as the decade draws to a close. For terrestrial broadcasters this represents a move from just less than 20 hours to 14.5 hours weekly. But satellite TSL is set to take a slightly more pronounced dip from its current level of about 21 hours weekly to a level equivalent that of terrestrial broadcasts. The good news in the report concerns terrestrial radio revenue. With internet-generated revenues already offsetting traditional spot dollar losses to support the current plateau for radio at about $21 billion annually industry-wide, Bridge says that growth in online ad sales could actually serve to boost that figure to over $25 billion in three years. Read the entire report» (fonte: «Bridge Ratings: Wireless broadband will be Two-Edged Sword for Radio», Digital radio Update,m 19/09/07

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