Transistor kills the radio star?

O futuro da rádio será uma «experiência»

A propósito de um acordo entre a Sprint  (operador móvel norte-americano) e a Google («Under a revenue-sharing deal announced yesterday, Sprint would provide the WiMax technology, a wireless Internet connection for laptop computers and other portable devices that offers DSL-like speeds over a range of miles, as opposed to WiFi's range of several hundred feet. Google, in turn, would provide search capabilities and its already popular applications such as e-mail, instant messaging and online calendars, on Sprint's WiMax network»), M Ramsey especula: «(...) In fact, as this new Google/Sprint deal suggests, the availability of audio entertainment wirelessly and in real-time will permanently alter the very experience and definition of radio. (...) It's all about empowering the consumer to control his or her listening experience and dramatically enhancing the experience of radio by mashing up radio with IM and TXT and social networking and interactivity and pictures and video and dozens of other capabilities yet to be dreamed of.
The future of radio is to be much more than radio. Not simply what's on the radio. The future of radio will be more interactive than passive, more customized than homogenized, more visual and visceral. The future of radio will be an experience, not just a station
The future of radio will be an "experience"»)

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