Transistor kills the radio star?

Atingir a geração iPod (com publicidade)

«(...) Stritch, like many colleges and universities, is targeting Generation Y, the collective term for the 71 million Americans born between 1980 and the late 1990s, that is notoriously difficult for advertisers to reach. They shun their parents' brand loyalties, consume traditional media in smaller amounts than previous generations and are skittish of being directly marketed to. But Stritch, which is in Fox Point, and some other Milwaukee-area advertisers have found several key strategies they say are reaching the iPod set. Tools like podcasts -- broadcasts for iPods and other MP3 players -- and Web logs -- better known as blogs -- are popular because they combine technology in which students are versed with a more subtle marketing message. (...) Katie Fleming, a search marketing specialist for Germantown Web site developer Trivera Interactive, said Generation Y doesn't appreciate gloss and filters. "They just want to know the truth," she said.

fonte: «Advertising for the iPod generation», October 13, 2006, The Business Journal

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