Transistor kills the radio star?

Sirius e XM voltam a ter novos argumentos

Enquanto a Sirius aposta num canal exclusivo para a renomada orquestra Metropolitan Radio Opera («Beginning with this broadcast, the channel will broadcast live Metropolitan Opera performances each week throughout the Met’s season while also featuring hundreds of the Met’s archival performances»), a XM, depois de anunciado o acordo com Oprah Winfrey, acaba de anunciar que o programa começa esta segunda-feira: «"Oprah & Friends," is a new channel on XM which will feature original programming including regular segments hosted by popular personalities from "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and O, The Oprah Magazine and a weekly reality radio show with Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King. The channel will originate from a new XM facility at Harpo Studios in Chicago, Oprah's media home base. The "Oprah & Friends" channel will feature original daily programming on a variety of topics including nutrition, fitness, health, self improvement, home, and current events from popular "Oprah" personalities (...)»

O relevante disto é que, por um lado, as duas empresas não desistem de oferecer mais e mais argumentos e, por outro, que são possíveis cada vez mais nichos...

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