Transformar LAD em rádios digitais...
é a aposta da BBC, que estará a trabalhar num aparelho capaz de transformar os leitores de mp3 (e de outros formatos) em recpetortes de rádio digitais:
«Currently plans are at an early stage and there are no firm details for the capabilities of the gadget or how much it will cost. There is also no timetable for when the add-on radio might appear. "It's important for to us to make sure that people can listen to digital radio on their own terms," said a BBC spokesman. (...) "We have a duty to make sure digital radio is relevant and clearly portable MP3 players are a massive area of growth," he said. The plug-in gadget would not be limited to playing the BBC digital radio stations. Versions might also be available for mobile phones and cars.»
fonte: «BBC plans clip-on digital radio», Friday, 11 August 2006, 13:10 GMT 14:10 UK , BBC News
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