Transistor kills the radio star?

Jovens querem rádios FM nos iPods

Um estudo (EUA...) diz que o extra mais desejado pelos jovens num LDA (como um iPod) é um rádio FM. O estudo:

Um excerto: «Even more than video content, however, radio listening is one of the most desired additional uses for portable MP3 players. Nearly half (46%) of teens and college-aged downloaders are interested in portable FM radio and 39% express interest being able to access satellite radio on their portable device. Older American downloaders are also interested in using their MP3 players to listen to radio broadcasts, with roughly one-third of 25 to 54 year old downloaders interested in FM and Satellite Radio capabilities (37% and 32%, respectively)»

Nem todos acreditam: «But FM radios?  For teens?  If only the radio industry could convince the visionaries at Apple that their device would be enhanced with a built-in FM radio.  Last year, we conducted 18-34 focus groups for Arbitron, and discovered that many of these younger consumers think of radios as being tethered in cars or on nightstands.That's right - they don't perceive radio as a take-anywhere medium.  That's what iPods are all about.  Imagine a combo iPod and FM radio - that's made by Apple.  That's a future we can get excited about.» (JacobsMedia)

lembra Mark Ramsey: «such gadgets are indeed on the market [LDA que incorporam rádio, por exemplo]. But they aren't manufactured by Apple and they don't have 75% of the mp3 player market, the way the iPod does.The simplicity and elegance of the iPod - in conjunction with its functionality, Apple cred, and stylish design - are the key things it has going for it. It does what it does very well. It is not a swiss army knife»


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