Transistor kills the radio star?

A lista dos canais HD2

Esta lista permite perceber quais são as apostas das rádios EUA no multicasting (os tais nichos mais apertados) e permite também ouvir as que transmitem estes segundos canais de HD em streaming...

No entanto, a lista não condiz com a da iBiquity, a empresa detentora da tecnologia HD:

«Meanwhile, back at Radio & Records, this trade mag brings up a point of contention in its newly-posted "comprehensive HD Radio Station Links page." As of 6/18/06, R&R has 285 HD Radio stations listed which claim to be "on air" with HD signals. But the number of stations there does not jive with what iBiquity Corporation is telling us at its web site - that there are "822 HD Radio stations on the air in the US."

I trust Radio & Records. It would never print a negative story about the radio industry and, therefore, must be telling the truth when it says this is a "comprehensive" list of HD2 stations» (

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