Transistor kills the radio star?

Aquilo que um iPod nunca poderá fazer - a voz na rádio!

«How about bringing back the disc jockey? Technically, I realize, the DJ never went away. There are still voices on the radio that introduce what you’re about to hear and, if you’re lucky, that tell you what you were listening to a few minutes ago. Sometimes the person speaking is actually there in the studio as you listen to him in your car. But aside from a few creative outlets scattered around the country-Indie 103.1 in Los Angeles, KPIG in Freedom, California-you aren’t going to hear a knowledgeable jock who picks (or at least plays a role in picking) his own music. Someone who knows how to mix old records and new ones, classics and obscurities, songs that obviously fall into a station’s genre and left-field choices that fit in unexpectedly. Someone who has a personality that’s made for the intimacy of radio, a knack for introducing people to records they’ll probably like, and a sense of how to experiment without turning people off. Someone, in short, who treats music the way a good talk show host treats the news of the day.

That’s something you’ll never get from an iPod on shuffle. You can get it from radio, but most music stations don’t bother to provide it anymore. Radio is a medium with unique strengths -why not use them instead of burying them?»

fonte: «Do what an iPod can’t do», RBR, By Jesse Walker (from March’s RBR/TVBR Solutions Magazine), Abril 06,


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