Transistor kills the radio star?

O podcasting como negócio pode ser uma coisa séria

Corey Deitz: «Some may think that Podcasting is only for hobbyists and DJ wannabes. But, it may surprise you to learn that businesses – some very large companies – are either exploring or already Podcasting like IBM, RealNetworks, Oracle, Disney, and General Motors. »

E agora para o Edgard: «The 7 Deadly Sins of Commercial Podcasting»:

1. Podcasting Without a Plan

2. Podcasting Without Providing Unique Value

3. Podcasting Like a Broadcaster

4. Underestimating the Commitment

5. Believing That Talent and Expertise Don’t Matter

6. Being Seduced by the Age of Amateurism

7. Believing That the Playing Field Is Level

Plus: The Three Unpardonable Sins

8. Relying Primarily on RSS to Build an Audience

9. Believing That Format Doesn’t Matter

10. Overestimating Podcasting / Underestimating Podcasting

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