A primeira rádio na internet
"Desde 1996 -año en que aparece Audionet, la primera emisora de la Red para la Red (...)" de acordo com María del Pilar Martinéz-Costa in MARTINÉZ-COSTA, María del Pilar e MORENO MORENO, Elsa, Programación Radiofónica, Ariel, Barcelona, 2004 , pág 337
"Mark Cuban, now owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team, built his fortune by launching Audionet (which later become Broadcast.com) in the mid-nineties. He then sold it to Yahoo! for billions. Still, by the time he sold it, there were already signs that the party was over." "Everything kills the radio star", 14/9/05, PC Mag.com, by Lance Ulanoff
Mas o registo é polémico: "Net.radio is a local operation that claims to be the first Internet-only broadcast venture, as opposed to radio stations that are simply feeding their on-air signals onto the net."
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