Ouvintes do satélite insatisfeitos com o AM/FM
O que pensam os clientes do satélite (pago) da emissão AM/FM?
"The most frequently mentioned reason cited by enthusiasts for adopting satellite radio was dissatisfaction with the programming on AM/FM radio. Twenty-four percent (24%) of respondents said they adopted satellite radio to leave AM/FM, 16% because of satellite radio’s diverse programming, 13% because satellite equipment was on sale, 8% the commercial free environment and 7% because of the nationwide signal coverage provided by satellite radio.The first wave of satellite radio adoption has occurred among highly dissatisfied AM/FM radio listeners. Satisfaction with terrestrial radio among satellite enthusiasts is low. Ninety-three percent (93%) of respondents said they were either “very dissatisfied” or “dissatisfied” with AM/FM radio. More recent satellite radio adopters were significantly less dissatisfied with AM/FM radio than those that adopted satellite radio in late 2001 and 2002. This suggests that satellite radio adoption rates may begin to decline as satisfaction rates with AM/FM radio improve. Among their favorite AM/FM radio formats, enthusiasts (who were allowed to list more than one format) mentioned: talk (50%), sports (29%), Top 40 music (27%), Adult Contemporary music (26%) and public radio/NPR (26%).
The key relative advantages of AM/FM radio mentioned by satellite radio enthusiasts are: it is free (26%), provides local news/talk (13%), and provides other local content (12%) and local personalities (5%). Key negative factors mentioned by respondents are: too many commercials (48%), repetition/lack of variety (13%), and limited playlists (8%).
After adopting satellite radio, satellite radio enthusiasts, on average, reduced their AM/FM listening time by 61%. Average daily AM/FM listening time was reduced from 3.8 to 1.5 hours, while the average satellite radio listening time was reported as seven (6.98) hours a day."
(excerto do estudo "Consumer Adoption of New Radio Distribution Systems", Junho 2005, págs. 6/7)
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