Transistor kills the radio star?

Mais internet menos rádio (e televisão)

Obercom: "segundo o estudo da European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA) a utilização da Internet está aumentar entre os jovens dos 15 aos 24 anos, em detrimento do consumo de rádio e de televisão".

Um excerto:
«London, 21st June 2005 – 15-24 year olds across Europe are spending less time watching TV and listening to the radio as a result of using the Internet, according to research from the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA), the pan-European trade organisation for sellers of interactive media. Almost half of 15-24 year olds (46%) are watching less TV, preferring instead to browse the web while 22% are listening to less radio. A third of those questioned are even reading less, choosing to consume information over the Internet.
Activities done less as a result of using the Internet:
Watching TV 46%
Talking on the phone 34%
Reading newspapers 33%
Reading books 32%
Listening to the radio 22%
Across Europe, this key target audience is spending almost a quarter of their media time (24%) online, more than reading newspapers (10%) or magazines (8%). In comparison, the average European devotes 20% of their media activity to the Internet. Among 15-24 year olds, TV continues to represent the largest share of media time at 31% with radio just ahead of the Internet on 27%.

Music to your ears
Music dominates online activity for this age group with the Internet providing a cheaper and more convenient means of purchasing and downloading tracks. A quarter of 15-24 year olds are now buying music online having previously purchased it in the shops. Almost half of those questioned (47%) would be prepared to pay for music download services, while 52% of youths listen to music online now instead of elsewhere.

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