Transistor kills the radio star?

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«Over the past five years, there have been numerous incremental changes that, added together, have substantially expanded the presence of media in young people's lives. Today, there are more young people with cable or satellite TV in their home (up from 74% to 82%), with subscriptions to premium TV channels (from 45% to 55%), with three or more VCRs or DVD players (from 26% to 53%), and with multiple video game consoles (from 49% to 56%) in their homes. And more of these media have migrated to young people%u2019s bedrooms: there are more young people with a VCR or DVD player (from 36% to 54%), with cable or satellite TV (from 29% to 37%), with computers (from 21% to 31%), and with Internet access (from 10% to 20%) in their bedrooms. (...) The fact that there is such a remarkable consistency in the amount of time spent each day with media over this five-year period indicates that young people may well have hit a ceiling in terms of the portion of their day they can afford to devote to media. As new media technologies, content, or activities become available, they don’t give up old media, and don’t (or can’t) increase the number of hours they spend with media—so they are increasingly becoming media multitaskers, instant messaging while doing homework and watching TV». One noticeable change over the past five years is the rapid expansion of access to and use of computers and the Internet. The proportion of children with home computers went up from 73% to 86%, with many families having two or more computers at home (39%, compared to 25% in 1999). Home Internet access rocketed from 47% to 74%. Today, as noted above, nearly one-third of young people have a computer in their bedroom (31% vs. 21% five years ago) and the proportion with Internet access in their room has doubled, increasing from 10% to 20%. In 1999, in a typical day about half (51%) of all 8- to 18-year-olds used a computer, compared to 62% today, and the proportion who go online for more than an hour went from 15% to 27%. The average amount of time spent on a computer (outside of schoolwork) more than doubled, from 0:27 to 1:02. The amount of time young people spend looking at Web sites for something other than schoolwork doubled»

Which Media Young People Use In a typical day, percentage of 8- to 18-year-olds who…: ver tv 81%, ouvir rádio, 74%; ouvir CD/Cassete/mp3, 68%

Time Spent With Media Average amount of time 8- to 18-year-olds spend per day…: ver tv 3:04; ouvir rádio 0:55; ouvir CD/cassete/mp3: 0:49; estar on line, 0:48

Most Popular Media Activities In a typical day, percentage of 8- to 18-year-olds who spend more than an hour…: ver TV 66%, ouvir musica 44%; usar computadores 28%

Media in Children’s Bedrooms Percentage of 8- to 18-year-olds with bedrooms containing…: leitor de CD ou cassetes, 86%; radios, 84%; TV, 64% 

Portable Media Ownership Percentage of 8- to 18-year-olds who have their own…: leitor de Cd ou walkman 61%, consola portatil de jogos: 55%, telefone portatil 39%; LAD 18%

fonte: «G E N E R A T I O N  M :  M E D I A  I N  T H E  L I V E S  O F  8 – 1 8  Y E A R - O L D S", A Kaiser Family Foundation Study, Março 2005

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