Transistor kills the radio star?

As limitaçõs técnicas não podem condicionar os julgamentos

(eis um exemplo de como se podem chegar a conclusões erradas partindo de permissas erradas, porque limitadas ao tempo em que vivemos; é fundamental não deixar que, por exemplo, as limitações/caracteristicas tecnicas enviesem as reflexões, seja tambem por falta - excesso? - de ambição; o autor subscreveria isto, hoje?)

«What do we mean by 'radio'? One could argue that the attribute which has made radio so enduring is its portability, but the exigencies of the new technology are such that the only way one can access online material is to use a computer connected to the internet via a telephone, digital or corporate line. This presents some key problems in the reception of radio or audio content. Home computers are linked to the Internet via a nodem using conventional copper telephone wires, which by their nature can carry only a limited amount of data at any one time. Therefore if one assumes that listening is secondary to the user's purpose in being online, she or he is already using much of the available bandwidth to download webpages, images or e-mails. And as the latter are downloaded the audio connection may pause, stutter or stop completely» (Berry, 2006: 284) 

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