Transistor kills the radio star?

Os videojogos e o desenvolvimento de competências cognitivas

«Subrahmanyam and Greenfield (l994) found that practice on a computer game (Marble Madness) reliably improved spatial performance (e.g., anticipating targets, extrapolating spatial paths) compared with practice on a computerized word game. Similarly, Okagaki and Frensch (1994) reported that ractice on the the computer game Tetris (a game that requires the rapid rotation and placement of seven different-shaped blocks (...)) significantly improved undergraduate students' mental rotation time and spatiaI visualization time on computerized spatial performance tests (...).Another study explored the role of interactive games in developing strategies for keeping track of events at multiple locations on screen. In a task where an icon could appear either of two locations (but with unequal probabilities), the researchers found that expert video game players had faster response times than novices at both high - and low - probability positions of the icon.  (Subrahmanyam et al, 2001: 83-84)

[isto irá relacionar-se com as novas utilizações/tendencias do segundo choque; os videojogos têm caracteristicas que fazem mudar o comportamento e as exigências dos novos consumidores]

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