Transistor kills the radio star?

Um exemplo de como as rádios podem diversificar a sua oferta na net

Mark Ramsey elogia a nova criação da Clear Channel: um portal para vender e comprar carros, chamado

«(...) it is an example of a new form of connection linking a station's audience to that station's advertiser so as to generate revenue results and happy customers without depending solely on a station's airtime in an ever-more-cluttered ad marketplace.

This is exactly the type of Internet-based, off-air "connection mechanism" we're going to see a LOT more of in the future, especially when it comes to sales categories of critical importance to the radio industry. It's exactly the kind of stuff I've been talking about on this blog over the past few months. As a radio station, your strength isn't that you have spots. It's that you have listeners.»

fonte: «You're not in the "Radio Business," you're in the business of hand-delivering leads», Hear2.0, 20/08/07

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