Transistor kills the radio star?

Os conteúdos gerados pelo utilizador vieram para ficar, diz especialista

«I think user-created content is here to stay, and I think it’s going to continue to get bigger. If you look at MySpace and Facebook, to share content virally is amazing. You see a video you like, next thing you know you send it to a buddy. The way content can spread is amazing. Facebook right now has 27 million users, and a year ago it was 4 million. At that rate, Facebook adds 175,000 users a day. MySpace has about 105 million users. Not all people understand these sites. Their ability to pass along and share content is increasing geometrically, so anyone who thinks this thing isn’t going to happen is sadly mistaken. If you and I wanted to start a company together and create a user-generated company, we should maybe come up with a competitor to CNN, basically turn the population at large into a news-gathering device. Think about Katrina. You could show stuff before anybody else. I’m convinced we’ve just begun to see what it can do, but the quality needs to get better. » David Verkliin, the chief executive officer of Carat North America and chairman of Carat Asia-Pacific, in his new book, co-written with the late Bernice Kanner, called “Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here: Inside the 300 Billion Dollar Business Behind the Media You Constantly Consume,”, (fonte: Media Life Magazine, «David Verklin on media and the future» Jul 3, 2007

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