Transistor kills the radio star?

Sobre o telemóvel (e as oportunidades...)

«First, cell phones are becoming ubiquitous.  Our poll shows ownership at 92%. 

Secondly, texting [SMS] is major league.  One of the fastest growing tech activities, and the leading feature on cell phones (second only to talking).  (...)  The percentage of young people texting on an hourly basis in our study is stunning.  And it's going to do nothing but grow.

Third, there are huge opportunities to capitalize on text messaging relationships with listeners.  The vast majority of those who text are open to this type of communication - whether it means receiving texts from stations about contests and concerts OR texting stations to vote, enter contests, etc.  And of course, that leads to revenue-generating activities, too.

Fourth, while listening to mp3s and streams on phones is not as common an activity as texting or using the calculator, you can see the potential. And for radio, television, and every other content generator, making your product available so that listeners can stream it is important.  Obviously, the convergence of the iPod and cell phone is what the Apple iPhone is all about.  (...).Tech Poll III is loaded with great information, designed to help radio better understand the larger media environment.  Competing with it and against it, and realizing opportunities and threats, can only be accomplished with knowledge and information.  Check out the newest cell phone findings, as well as archived sections on satellite radio, iPods, and social networking sites.

fonte: JAcobs Media, Hold The Phone, 30/04/07

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