Transistor kills the radio star?

A rádio de conversa vai sobreviver? (optimismo)

«With the emergence of iPods, WiFi, satellite radio, and other new media, is radio in danger of losing younger listeners? 
Jason Wolfe, director de programas da WEEI, rádio de conversa e desporto de Boston, líder de audiências: I don't think we are, and I don't think radio is in general. If you look at specific formats, nothing can take the place of a local program - if it's compelling and entertaining enough. One of the great things about the growth we have achieved is that we're gaining younger people. If our core demo is men 25-54, every time one of those 54-year-olds turns 55, we pick up two who are 25. We've done exceptionally well with those younger demos, largely because they want the local programming. These new media will never supplant the great power of terrestrial radio and the personality and passion that goes with it. In that respect, as an industry, we're in good shape. There will be “competitors” so people can to go other places for news and entertainment, but at the end of the day they'll stick with radio because that's what they know and love.» (At WEEI, Jason Wolfe Is King Of The Red Sox Nation (Radio Ink, 10/17/05)

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