Transistor kills the radio star?

«A rádio tem poucas músicas de que gosta? Faça uma!»

Aqui está uma frase que por agora pode parecer estranha mas que se tornará banal:

«Not enough favorite songs on radio? Start own station»

Esta notícia conta a história de alguém que se cansou de não conseguir ouvir as músicas de que gosta na rádio e criou uma estação para si e para outros (não apenas na net mas também através de uma frequência de FM de 5 mil watts, que mesmo assim chega a mais de um milhão de pessoas). Algumas frases relevantes:

«"Their play lists are so limited," he said. "Did you realize Led Zeppelin has more than three songs? Everyone I talked to was just sick of it. The music is just not being played anymore and there are a lot of baby boomers out there." So he struggled through red tape with the Federal Communications Commission for 7½ years for permission to start his own radio station. In August, after countless headaches and spending about $70,000 of his own money, he won that right. The reward: playing his beloved golden oldies all day long. He estimates that ClassX, his new radio frequency at WMWX-FM 88.9 and on the Web at, reaches thousands of listeners daily. (...) He continuously builds the playlist and hopes to reach 20,000 songs in another year. By then, he also would like to move the radio studio to the west side of Hamilton County, where the signal is the strongest. The station's 225-foot-tall antennae is located 30 miles away in St. Leon, Ind. It has the potential to reach 1.8 million people with a 5,000-watt signal that reaches northern Kentucky to the south, Liberty Township and Blue Ash to the east, Franklin to the north and Batesville, Ind., to the west. But he estimates he reaches the most listeners by steaming audio through the Internet.»

fonte: The Enquirer, «Not enough favorite songs on radio? Start own station», 24/12/06, JENNIFER BAKER

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