Transistor kills the radio star?

UM carro com HD de série

«BMW was the first to offer an OEM HD Radio on its 2006 7-series models. They added it to the 6-series in '06, and then announced that HD Radio would appear on the 5-series models in '07. Well, that group will soon include BMW 3-series owners as well. Starting with the Hardtop Convertible, HD will start showing up in 3s in 2007 as well, for around $500. »

fonte: «BMW 3-series to come equipped with HD radio?», Posted Dec 23rd 2006 4:14PM by Frank Filipponio, AUtoblog

Mas primeiro não será necessário isto?

«STMicroelectronics and Ibiquity Digital have an agreement to design an HD Radio ASIC chip compatible with ST’s AM/FM in-dash tuner. The goal is to provide receiver manufacturers a complete HD Radio chipset, with samples expected in late 2007 and volume production in 2008. The companies say the chipset would offer high system integration and low power consumption, and enable extended features, such as multicast capability and extended data services.»

fonte: «STMicroelectronics, Ibiquity Developing In-Car Receiver Chipset», 21/12/06, Rwonline

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