Transistor kills the radio star?

Um iPod que recebe rádio satélite?

«It's been widely discussed that Apple and Sirius met to discuss a potential satellite radio-enabled iPod, and that nothing substantial came of that meeting. Steve Jobs doesn't add anything to the iPod that's not bulletproof, and portability hasn't been satellite radio's strong suit so far. But now that Sirius has reduced the size of its satellite receiver chips, Jobs could change his mind.

Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin recently showed off a digital audio player with a built-in satellite receiver at a conference last week, as Richard Menta recently pointed out. Could the satellite MP3 player player Karmazin says will be available by the end of the summer be a satellite iPod? Regardless of who makes it, an MP3 player with satellite reception could be pretty attractive, assuming users' needs are keep near the top of the priority list. (...).
Users could specify the sort of music they want to hear, either specifically or in general, on a computer or on the device itself. The satellite MP3 players would act as TiVos, scouring channels for requested songs and saving them to memory. Requests might even be sent back to Sirius in order to create ten or so democratically-created radio stations, increasing the likelihood that requested content gets played.»

fonte: «How the Satellite iPod Might Act», Wired, 5/7/06

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