Transistor kills the radio star?

Por que é que a rádio via satélite é uma resposta

A rádio via satélite surge como oportunidade de negócio mas também como resposta à estagnação manifestada pela rádio hertziana. Alguns excertos do artigo Can Digital Kill the Radio Star? da Wired (2000-07-08).

"Traditional radio isn't doing the job in servicing customers," said William Kidd, satellite analyst at investment firm C.E. Unterberg, Towbin. Kidd said 80 percent of all listening today in the car is radio, and that the industry -- which hasn't seen substantial change since FM was invented more than 60 years ago -- is ripe for innovation. "It's hard to imagine that the status quo will be preserved," Kidd said.(...)

The broadcasters believe that customers will leap at the chance to pay for quality radio for the same reason cable TV has proven a success: better variety and fewer commercials. Radio listeners frustrated by the exclusionary and repetitive practices of the FM stations that have driven listeners to online services will identify with their specialty channels.

Former DJ Tom Versen, Sirius's director of production and creative services, said traditional radio only plays one-third of the music released each year. He said ad-supported radio has stagnated towards repeating old standards instead of taking chances on new content. "If I hear 'Dust in the Wind' one more time, I'm going to run my car off the road," Versen said. "

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